N oodle
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Inspired by Git

One of the inspirations for noodle was git’s hidden .git directory. I really like the idea of being able to look at the same project directory “from the perspective” of this or that branch, this or that feature etc. This is why we have the hidden .noodle directory as metadata over the base filesystem.

I don’t know if that’s how other people conceptualize git. I realize it’s primary usecase is version control. People are intereseted in collaborative workflows, being able to roll back their code, and efficiently control modifications.

But because of my spelunking in philosophy I really like this idea of looking at the same thing from different points of view and consolidating the whole situation into a larger picture . This is also why I’m also a fan of category theory in mathematics, and s-domain in control engineering.

I also like to think of ways to consolidate technology. For instance I’m a big fan of the guix package manager for personal computing applications, controlling dependencies and environments. Noodle might be a way to bridge different formats. Like a meta format beyond the filesystem. Noodle will never subvert a dedicated format for a particular use-case. Using the right tool for the job is always better. But being able to hold all your tools is important too. And to be able to relate them to eachother and new tools. There’s technologies that exist in this in-between space. Networks, filesystems, operating systems exist to support use-cases. I believe noodle to be this sort of thing.