Similar Programs
There’s a number of apps and programs that relate to buzz-phrases like “second brain” and “networked thinking”. Although I hadn’t heard of these phrases or any of these programs when I first thought of making noodle, it’s interesting to see that there are projects which are similar in some respects. They’re worth checking out to see if they fit your needs better. Some of these probably deserve their own article for an explicit comparison with noodle.It’ll give me the chance to talk about some of my design choices.
Hacker keyboard centric mind-maping.
I like this concept. It’s probably closest to what noodle ended up becomming. Mindmaps in the terminal.
mindmap for the cli
This is another fast terminal-based tree mapper.
I don’t like that it uses SQLite. Filesystems FTW!
Just markdown files in a nice interface. Lots of plugins.
It’s like the FOSS Obsidian. But it isn’t just files. It uses like a node databse.